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Carolina Ropero Pérez

Valencia (Spain)




English, Spanish

webinars and lectures

Fungi synthetic biology / Biología sintética de hongos

Available in:

Spanish, English

Recommended age:

15 - 18


Molds, also known as filamentous fungi, hide a vast capacity to produce high-value products and substitute current chemical reactions, full of pollutants, to more sustainable ways of production.
The use of molds goes from the classical fermentation of beverages and foods to the bioproduction of pigments, antimicrobials, vitamins and other molecules with application for medicine, food or textil industry, among others. But that's not all: we use can go even further thanks to the novel synthetic biology tools that allow researches to modify fungi genes as "lego" pieces to create efficient and sustainable "biofactories".
Do you want to know more about filamentous fungi and synthetic biology? Ask for a talk!

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