During 2023, we aim to bring astrobiology to schools all around India, to allow students to zoom out from their habitual perspective and see themselves on a cosmic scale, based on the educational philosophy and incorporating materials from the Art of Inquiry.
You will be able to request or join webinars which will be curated by expert astrobiologists who will answer your questions and guide you through their research during lectures and panel discussions. You will discover that astrobiology is a fascinating scientific discipline, a great career path as well as a very useful educational tool.

What is Astrobiology?
Why Astrobiology?
How do I join these webinars?
Invitation letter and flyer

Registered schools are now able to book available webinars! Please check them below and select one lecture to book for your classroom.
Please note that the lectures will be open to all, but the RSVP option is currently restricted to Indian schools who registered for our event. Thank you for your understanding and looking forward to your participation!