In April 2023, the csv,conf,v7 will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. And - just like we did for EPSC-, we will open it to local schools!

The csv conference (csv,conf) brings diverse groups together to discuss data topics, and features stories about data sharing and data analysis from science, journalism, government, and open source... in general, about data and its application to society.
LeWiBo will be organising visits from the attendees of csv,conf to local schools to show the students that "data science" goes well beyond the business world or social media: it can - and should(?) - be used for the good of society!
The topics covered by the speakers are very diverse, from health and environment to democracy and justice systems. We will be posting here a more detailed program as soon as we develop it, along with pictures of all the events organised in Buenos Aires.
And maybe... we can also create a post-conference online program for the schools that are not in Buenos Aires!
Here's a list of our upcoming in-person events: