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Ecological project in Jamaica

Updated: Feb 2, 2023

In 2021 LeWiBo will support an ecological project in Jamaica together with the MarineMakers

Together with the Alligator Head Foundation (AHF) in Jamaica, the MarineMakers offer workshops in the Maker Space at AHF that connect the frugal Makers approach with marine research and ocean literacy. For the beginning, MarineMakers organize a workshop with the College of Agriculture, Science and Education in Port Antonio. The workshop is embedded in the curriculum and offers the students hands-on experiences in building tools to collect physicochemical data of water from marine ecosystems. The devices to collect those data will be built by the students in the Maker Space. And the samples will be collected on multiple field sites. Besides the practical work, the students will also learn about the physicochemical properties of marine water and how subtle changes can have a tremendous effect on the ecosystem.


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