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"EPSC 2021 goes live for schools": watch on demand

Watch on demand our LIVE TALKS - Paired presentations of the "EPSC 2021 goes live for schools" program.


Juan Manuel Albite and Hans Huybrighs

What are volcanoes? Why and how do we study them here on Earth? Should we fear them? Are there volcanoes on other planets or moons in our solar system? What can volcanoes tell us about the interior of planets? You will get to discover answers to these questions and more during this live talk.

The speakers:

Hans Huybrighs is a research fellow at the European Space Agency (ESA). He studies Jupiter's moons Europa and Io. Before he was a PhD researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research and the Swedish Institute for Space Physics.

Juan Manuel Albite is a postdoctoral researcher and assistant professor at the University of Buenos Aires (IGEBA / UBA - CONICET). With an expertise in volcanology, he studies the Copahue Volcano and the risk associated with it.


Catherine Regan and Jan Opderbecke

When building a rover for the exploration of space, or a remotely operated vehicle for the exploration of our oceans, scientists have very similar yet quite different issues and obstacles to take into account. Although each rover is unique in a way, let’s explore how we conceptualize, build and operate the rovers pushing the limits of what we know of Earth and our solar system.

The speakers:

Catherine Regan is a PhD student at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL. She is investigating the magnetic environment of Mars, working towards the launch of the Rosalind Franklin Rover in 2022. She has previously studied MSc Planetary Science at UCL, and BSc Geophysics at the University of East Anglia.

Jan Opderbecke is an engineer working at the French Institute for the study of the sea (Ifremer) as the head of the unit for underwater systems. He holds a PhD in physics from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris. He is working on underwater systems for the exploration of the oceans.


Ben Tatton and Daniela Billi

What are the limits of life on Earth? Could we find life elsewhere? How do we decide where to search for it in our Solar System and beyond? Is there more to life than what we usually think about? Join us during this conversation to discover how extreme environments are teeming with life.

The speakers:

Ben Tatton is a PhD student at the Astrobiology Open University, UK. He is studying “the limits of microbial life” and uses cutting edge molecular techniques, and modelling approaches, to understand how microbes have evolved to thrive under some of the most extreme conditions on Earth. He aims to contribute to the understanding of how microbes may be able to survive elsewhere in the solar system and beyond.

Daniela Billi Prof. Daniela Billi is leading the Laboratory of Astrobiology and Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Her research aims to: i) decipher the molecular basis of cyanobacterial adaptation to extreme conditions on Earth with a focus on hot and cold deserts, ii) unravel the survival limit of desert cyanobacteria under non-Earth conditions, by using astrobiology platforms outside the International Space Station and planetary-laboratory simulations, and iii) develop cyanobacteria-based technologies to use in situ resources available on Mars and on the Moon to support human space exploration.


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