In 2020 and 2021, the Europlanet Science Congress went live for schools online.
In 2022, we'll be doing it again... but also have in-person events!
Please click below if you're interested in getting more information:
In September 2022, the EuroPlanet Science Congress (EPSC), a scientific conference on planetary science, will open its doors again to schools, to give students a glimpse of how contemporary planetary science is done!
In September 2022, the Europlanet Science Congress will be taking place in Granada, Spain. For this special occasion, we will be opening the doors of the conference to local schools.
We are also inviting schools worldwide to join us - just like in 2020 and again in 2021 - and participate in online outreach and educational activities in October 2022.
Join us and discover planetary science from the planetary scientists themselves!
The preliminary list of activities for the event is as follows:
In-person activities: from 18-23 September 2022
Lectures and Q&A
"Ask a scientist" informal meetings
In-person educational activities (Planets in a Room, Lunar Data Challenge…)
Half-day visit of the congress centre
Online: October 2022
Planetary science open lectures - listen and discuss planetary science with a planetary scientist!
"Ask a scientist" sessions in multiple languages - learn more about scientists, their careers and jobs!
"Anatomy of a scientific talk" sessions - dive deep into the structure of a real scientific talk and learn how science is communicated by and for scientists.
On-demand outreach and educational resources (education packages, hands-on activities, lessons, collaborative interviews run by our moderators during the in-person event…)
Training sessions for teachers - dedicated sessions to explain how to use the educational resources we offer.